Jekyll does not seem to process yaml front matter section. it is printed out as text on the page.
+[2013-10-16T06:41:46Z]IQAndreasWhat's the ideal way to add properties to a page from a plugin? +[2013-10-16T06:42:13Z]IQAndreasRight now, I'm "hacking" it in by overriding the `to_liquid` method: +[2013-10-16T06:42:29Z]IQAndreasBut that just seems dirty to me (and seems to not work properly in Octopress) +[2013-10-16T19:50:37Z]maloikSo how do you include a single markdown page as a file ? +[2013-10-16T19:50:54Z]maloikI created page.html in the root of the project, with some YAML front matter, as well as in _includes