latest 20 messages by maloik

+ [2014-09-17T14:20:21Z] maloik jaybe: could you point me in the right direction for that where filter? i seem to be overlooking it in the docs
+ [2014-09-17T09:27:00Z] maloik I could loop over all speakers in the schedule loop, but that feels awful
+ [2014-09-17T09:24:09Z] maloik For example, a schedule has a speaker property "foo-bar", and our speakers have a property slug. One of the speaker's slug is "foo-bar", how would I access another of its properties?
+ [2014-09-17T09:23:25Z] maloik In the case of our conference site we have a speakers data yml file and a schedule data yml file. Is there a way to access a specific speakers hash while looping over the schedule data?
+ [2014-07-10T07:35:42Z] maloik adding localhost or .dev url's (with pow) works just fine
+ [2014-07-10T07:35:33Z] maloik nevvkid_: not sure if you're still around, but I don't see why you don't add your local dev url to typekit
+ [2014-07-09T08:17:27Z] maloik (the rest is done using if statements looking at the body class)
+ [2014-07-09T08:17:12Z] maloik Only change is the front matter
+ [2014-07-09T08:17:06Z] maloik I'm looking for an easy way to create a second index page for an ad campaign, basically copying the index or including it somehow... what's the easiest way to do that?
+ [2013-10-17T14:42:25Z] maloik I think what he means is, can you show us some code :-)
+ [2013-10-17T14:19:23Z] maloik "whats your VAT?" - *mail app fails* "can you look it up on my site? its in the footer" - "oh, thats lucky to have such a number!" - *looks, facepalms*
+ [2013-10-17T14:18:42Z] maloik wasn't until recently that I noticed my VAT number isn't even correct in the footer
+ [2013-10-17T14:18:21Z] maloik troyswanson: haven't given my site any love in like a year since I threw it together a day before our conference
+ [2013-10-16T20:37:09Z] maloik cya
+ [2013-10-16T20:34:18Z] maloik lol
+ [2013-10-16T20:34:16Z] maloik even though I postponed client work for this
+ [2013-10-16T20:34:10Z] maloik fairly productive evening, first one this week :/
+ [2013-10-16T20:33:55Z] maloik anyway I'm going to watch an episode of arrested development and head to bed
+ [2013-10-16T20:33:42Z] maloik cool I'll take a look at that
+ [2013-10-16T20:32:18Z] maloik most likely yea