+ [2015-11-03T21:29:51Z] visualshock So I just wonder where someone got the info about me
+ [2015-11-03T22:20:24Z] gamename HI. I'm an OSX user. Are there any tools that allow me to right-click on text and create a gist from it?
+ [2015-11-03T22:32:21Z] Remram gamename: some IDEs have it
+ [2015-11-03T22:32:37Z] gamename Remram Yeah, that looks like my best option. Thanks
+ [2015-11-03T22:32:40Z] Remram else I don't think so (you mean "text" and not "text file", right?)

message no. 118209

Posted by Remram in #github at 2015-11-03T22:32:21Z

gamename: some IDEs have it
+ [2015-11-04T08:00:45Z] rrva when doing code reviews on pull requests, how can I comment on lines not part of the pull request? I often want to comment on the state of an entire file
+ [2015-11-04T08:01:48Z] _rgn you can't comment other lines
+ [2015-11-04T08:01:57Z] _rgn but you can just comment in the PR
+ [2015-11-04T08:02:02Z] _rgn obviously
+ [2015-11-04T13:09:08Z] twisted` hey, the ping request of a webhook sends along a "zen", which is a cute gimmick but atm it breaks my entire script that should parse it. "zen":"It's not fully shipped until it's fast." is what it sends. It breaks on the single quote, and afaik a single-quote never appears in any other payload.