+[2015-11-04T15:09:08Z]MouNtantI've got a problem when I run jekyll s. It says I do not have jekyll-watch installed +[2015-11-04T15:09:17Z]MouNtantBut when I check gem list jekyll-watch +[2015-11-04T15:09:29Z]MouNtantI've got 1.2.1 +[2015-11-04T15:30:14Z]MouNtantI downgraded to jekyll 2.4.0 +[2015-11-04T15:30:48Z]MouNtantWhich will have to do I guess
hey uhh soo.. what does it mean if typing jekyll build all of a sudden returns wtih command not found
+[2015-11-05T06:55:11Z]WferrEllo! Anyone know if its possible to use liquid {% if %} {% endif %} inside of the yaml front matter? +[2015-11-05T06:55:22Z]Wferrwould be awesome if it was possible +[2015-11-05T07:15:49Z]gynterWferr: no +[2015-11-05T07:16:01Z]gynterwhy would you want that anyway? +[2015-11-05T07:16:16Z]Wferrgynter: just makes it more flexable