latest 20 messages by sisccl

+ [2015-11-08T00:07:16Z] sisccl Soooooo
+ [2015-11-07T21:49:54Z] sisccl i set it up, i figured this out lol
+ [2015-11-07T21:49:49Z] sisccl nevermind
+ [2015-11-07T21:43:55Z] sisccl Is there a system set up for adding images to posts?
+ [2015-11-04T02:48:23Z] sisccl thanks
+ [2015-11-04T02:48:22Z] sisccl nevermind fixed it
+ [2015-11-04T02:45:24Z] sisccl hey uhh soo.. what does it mean if typing jekyll build all of a sudden returns wtih command not found
+ [2015-11-03T22:41:20Z] sisccl Nice, Jekyll is really starting to come together. It’s finally starting to feel like a blog :D
+ [2015-11-03T22:17:51Z] sisccl you guys are the best thanks
+ [2015-11-03T22:17:48Z] sisccl Nice, got the buttons working
+ [2015-11-03T22:13:56Z] sisccl lol
+ [2015-11-03T22:13:54Z] sisccl i didn’t use it properly
+ [2015-11-03T22:13:52Z] sisccl all i did was get whats in page.previous
+ [2015-11-03T22:13:47Z] sisccl i see
+ [2015-11-03T22:13:46Z] sisccl get the url of the pervious page ahh
+ [2015-11-03T22:13:03Z] sisccl ill try that I guess
+ [2015-11-03T22:13:00Z] sisccl what
+ [2015-11-03T22:10:53Z] sisccl it doesnt return to the previous post, it’s trying to insert it? thats… strange
+ [2015-11-03T22:10:44Z] sisccl html tags and everything included lol...
+ [2015-11-03T22:10:39Z] sisccl its taking EVERYTHING from the previous post