+ [2015-11-06T21:27:16Z] Remram You can always build yourself and upload static content -_-"
+ [2015-11-06T21:43:01Z] BlueProtoman What happens if two separate users have unrelated repos with the same name (e.g. if the users Alice and Bob have a repo named GiantEnemyCrab), and I try to fork both?
+ [2015-11-06T21:47:28Z] Heartmender BlueProtoman: github will append '1' to the name
+ [2015-11-06T21:56:44Z] BlueProtoman Heartmender: Ah, okay, thank you.

message no. 118607

Posted by durka42 in #github at 2015-11-06T20:16:37Z

yeah... github pages is way more trouble than it's worth apparently
+ [2015-11-07T10:33:07Z] unrar hihi
+ [2015-11-07T10:49:38Z] milki ZZZZZZZZZZ: what repo isnt changing and why do you expect it to change?
+ [2015-11-07T11:03:39Z] RandomRant How do i reproduce the exact release archives of my projects, which i can download from github? I want to generate its checksum, without downloading it first.
+ [2015-11-07T11:11:35Z] Seveas RandomRant: git archive $commitish
+ [2015-11-07T11:12:26Z] Seveas you may need to give it some parameters, like --prefix, and you'll need to hope github didn't break the checksums with one of their patches. I don't believe they guarantee compatibility.