latest 14 messages by durka42

+ [2015-11-06T20:18:08Z] durka42 so I will host a site myself somewhere else
+ [2015-11-06T20:18:04Z] durka42 I've just found 99% broken documentation and build failures at every turn
+ [2015-11-06T20:17:55Z] durka42 that's true
+ [2015-11-06T20:16:39Z] durka42 so much for that
+ [2015-11-06T20:16:37Z] durka42 yeah... github pages is way more trouble than it's worth apparently
+ [2015-11-06T20:13:19Z] durka42 or I could use Highlight.js
+ [2015-11-06T20:13:16Z] durka42 yeah maybe I'll do that
+ [2015-11-06T20:12:11Z] durka42 that's unfortunate, I wanted to add inline code highlights
+ [2015-11-06T20:12:03Z] durka42 oh, github pages doesn't allow custom jekyll plugins?
+ [2015-11-06T20:07:12Z] durka42 but maybe I am using the wrong syntax in my posts to trigger highlighting
+ [2015-11-06T20:06:50Z] durka42 Seveas: a lot of that guide didn't work for me
+ [2015-11-06T19:47:40Z] durka42 I am trying to get pygments highlighting working, and it seems to be impossible :(
+ [2015-11-06T19:47:31Z] durka42 hi! is this a good place to ask for help with github pages?
+ [2015-11-06T03:53:39Z] durka42 hi! is this a good place to ask for help with github pages?