+ [2015-11-07T21:30:44Z] milki :P
+ [2015-11-07T21:30:54Z] milki either way, why o.O
+ [2015-11-07T21:31:05Z] Nevik_ why not?
+ [2015-11-07T21:32:00Z] gitinfo xC0DEB10C: [!fork_sync] You can read a nice guide on how to update your fork with the upstream repository here: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork
+ [2015-11-07T21:32:00Z] Seveas xC0DEB10C: for the first one, !sync. For the second one, you can do a one-off filter-branch, but that will break the !sync :)

message no. 118690

Posted by fahadash in #github at 2015-11-07T12:25:19Z

If I rename a repo, can I have redirects on older URLs ?
+ [2015-11-08T04:03:05Z] hendry i received a pull request, but I am unsure how to pull it down into a branch for testing. I thought the email had these instructions? Now it doesn't: http://s.natalian.org/2015-11-08/1446955353_1918x1058.png
+ [2015-11-08T04:07:50Z] milki hendry: github faq has instructions
+ [2015-11-08T04:08:12Z] gitinfo hendry: To easily see Github Pull Requests in your local repo, use this fetchspec trick: https://gist.github.com/piscisaureus/3342247
+ [2015-11-08T04:08:12Z] milki hendry: !github_pull
+ [2015-11-08T04:08:15Z] milki o