+ [2015-11-08T18:54:16Z] github840 i've looked at that... but haven't quite understood what it meant
+ [2015-11-08T19:04:34Z] Motoko You need to configure your domain and the repository, basically.
+ [2015-11-08T22:15:46Z] thelostasian i'm having difficulty understanding a concept for c programming
+ [2015-11-08T22:15:58Z] thelostasian regarding passing structures to a function

message no. 118751

Posted by gitinfo in #github at 2015-11-08T04:08:12Z

hendry: To easily see Github Pull Requests in your local repo, use this fetchspec trick: https://gist.github.com/piscisaureus/3342247
+ [2015-11-10T01:15:29Z] boodllebat Hi , i want to know is there any way to perform search on github if somebody is replicating my code without forking ?
+ [2015-11-10T01:16:23Z] __rlp How do I comment on a pull request without commenting on a specific line via the API?
+ [2015-11-10T01:25:02Z] __rlp nevermind
+ [2015-11-10T01:25:04Z] __rlp issues API
+ [2015-11-10T01:34:52Z] boodllebat __rlp: i want to know is there any way to perform search on github if somebody is replicating my code without forking ?