latest 20 messages by boodllebat

+ [2015-11-10T02:40:29Z] boodllebat fahadash: thanks :)
+ [2015-11-10T02:35:04Z] boodllebat sorry a link to my raw source file
+ [2015-11-10T02:34:51Z] boodllebat fahadash: like i put like to my raw source file on
+ [2015-11-10T02:29:53Z] boodllebat fahadash: what is correct method to use it ?
+ [2015-11-10T02:29:44Z] boodllebat fahadash: so like i give link to my repo ?
+ [2015-11-10T02:18:05Z] boodllebat fahadash: so like i'll search a code on copyscape then it'll give me only non-forked similar sources ?
+ [2015-11-10T01:58:41Z] boodllebat fahadash: i'll checkit out thanks :)
+ [2015-11-10T01:55:48Z] boodllebat fahadash: i want it public , but dont want people to copy content and create another repo without forking
+ [2015-11-10T01:55:26Z] boodllebat fahadash: no i dont want to make it secret
+ [2015-11-10T01:34:52Z] boodllebat __rlp: i want to know is there any way to perform search on github if somebody is replicating my code without forking ?
+ [2015-11-10T01:15:29Z] boodllebat Hi , i want to know is there any way to perform search on github if somebody is replicating my code without forking ?
+ [2015-08-11T04:22:52Z] boodllebat thomasreggi: like i have a function i want to which repo's have function similar to mine so i paste the function's code and results appear
+ [2015-08-11T04:22:09Z] boodllebat thomasreggi: so how can i search for codes ?
+ [2015-08-11T04:21:15Z] boodllebat thomasreggi: i'm new to github can you tell me how to search codes on github , like i paste code and code similar to that comes up
+ [2015-08-11T04:06:15Z] boodllebat i want to search a code on github not on a repo , i want it on whole github thanks :)
+ [2015-03-26T16:02:10Z] boodllebat milki: is there any way to change HEAD from git command line ?
+ [2015-03-26T15:59:14Z] boodllebat hello my git is pointing to remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master i want to make it point to other branch how do i do that?
+ [2015-01-17T17:18:29Z] boodllebat Nei: this will work i have tried "stars:>200 stars:<300"
+ [2015-01-17T17:17:54Z] boodllebat Nei: i can search for repo that are bt 200 and 300 stars but at the same time i want to know recently updated repos