+ [2015-11-24T03:07:58Z] sparr however, putting all the challenges in one repo saves me the trouble of having to create new repos every time
+ [2015-11-24T04:29:55Z] spal Why is Erlang used by GitHub? for backend work that interfaces Ruby and git?
+ [2015-11-24T09:47:49Z] proycon I wonder if there a way to have github interpret my README as markdown without using the .md or .markdown extension (I don't want to change the filename at all) ?
+ [2015-11-24T09:51:34Z] Seveas proycon: nope.
+ [2015-11-24T09:55:15Z] proycon ok, was afraid so, thanks

message no. 122027

Posted by sparr in #github at 2015-11-24T02:27:31Z

I do a lot of competitive/challenge programming contests. The result is usually one source file, maybe 10-1000 lines. I'd like to apply some source control to those projects, and publish them for people to see along with my other projects on github. Can anyone offer suggestions on how to organize such a thing? One repo per challenge? One repo per type of challenge? One repo per challenge website? Just one
+ [2015-11-25T02:45:08Z] milki :o
+ [2015-11-25T03:27:30Z] JosephSilber Can I subscribe to all PRs of a project, without subscribing to its issues?
+ [2015-11-25T03:54:08Z] solirc Hi!
+ [2015-11-25T03:55:12Z] solirc I'm puzzled if there is a way to see all PRs on repos that you have push access to?
+ [2015-11-25T03:55:41Z] solirc If not I would probably try to solve this using the GitHub API