+ [2015-11-24T03:07:58Z] sparr however, putting all the challenges in one repo saves me the trouble of having to create new repos every time
+ [2015-11-24T04:29:55Z] spal Why is Erlang used by GitHub? for backend work that interfaces Ruby and git?
+ [2015-11-24T09:47:49Z] proycon I wonder if there a way to have github interpret my README as markdown without using the .md or .markdown extension (I don't want to change the filename at all) ?
+ [2015-11-24T09:51:34Z] Seveas proycon: nope.
+ [2015-11-24T09:55:15Z] proycon ok, was afraid so, thanks

message no. 122028

Posted by sparr in #github at 2015-11-24T02:27:32Z

repo overall with everything organized inside it?
+ [2015-11-25T02:45:08Z] milki :o
+ [2015-11-25T03:27:30Z] JosephSilber Can I subscribe to all PRs of a project, without subscribing to its issues?
+ [2015-11-25T03:54:08Z] solirc Hi!
+ [2015-11-25T03:55:12Z] solirc I'm puzzled if there is a way to see all PRs on repos that you have push access to?
+ [2015-11-25T03:55:41Z] solirc If not I would probably try to solve this using the GitHub API