+ [2015-11-26T19:32:33Z] Alorma Ok i guess no \o/
+ [2015-11-26T21:33:09Z] Croves Guys, I lost my Google Authenticator in my mobile and now I can't log into GitHub
+ [2015-11-26T21:33:12Z] Croves What should I do?
+ [2015-11-26T23:11:29Z] Phiber2000 Hi! Following Problem: I "deleted" a commit be resetting/force-pushing my repo. It's not shown in repo anymore. BUT: I referenced an issue in the commit message - and from there the commit keeps accessible... Is there a solution? What's the reason?
+ [2015-11-26T23:24:01Z] Phiber2000 "git branch --contains <commitnr>" doesn't find it - so i'm pretty sure, its just in Github's storage...

message no. 122225

Posted by zotherstupidguy in #github at 2015-11-26T12:48:38Z

following https://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/#scopes i need to add additional scopes to the url by hand if, there is no scope attribute that grant full access to all the data, from the API design point of view, a developer might find this more convineant in some edge cases... point valid?
+ [2015-11-27T03:54:46Z] Elronnd why is my gh-pages branch not working?
+ [2015-11-27T03:55:12Z] Elronnd I have, under my account, "nethack-variants" a repo "variants" with a branch "gh-pages", yet when I try to get a file under that repo by going to nethack-variants.github.io/variants/name_of_file, it doesn't work
+ [2015-11-27T05:51:25Z] Seveas Elronnd: works for me, though that repo is quite abusive, putting all the .tar.gz's in it.
+ [2015-11-28T00:05:52Z] aberrant got a quick question: I have a bunch of commits that include merging back things from master. I'd like to squash them, but rebase doesn't work. Any ideas?