latest 20 messages by zotherstupidguy

+ [2015-11-26T12:56:49Z] zotherstupidguy actually, on a 2nd thought i think its better a design!!
+ [2015-11-26T12:48:38Z] zotherstupidguy following i need to add additional scopes to the url by hand if, there is no scope attribute that grant full access to all the data, from the API design point of view, a developer might find this more convineant in some edge cases... point valid?
+ [2015-11-26T12:47:18Z] zotherstupidguy here i am requesting grant access to email and public_repos from the github API
+ [2015-11-26T12:42:55Z] zotherstupidguy in the case it is needed, but the developer would still want to write everything by hand and keep an eye on updates as well.
+ [2015-11-26T12:42:19Z] zotherstupidguy is there an ultimate scope request from the github api, that gives out all data?
+ [2015-11-17T10:20:37Z] zotherstupidguy is the search api the way to go, or not a good idea?
+ [2015-11-17T10:20:03Z] zotherstupidguy i am using and i want to query a list of projects that uses ruby and get the paging right, any ideas?
+ [2015-10-01T18:09:56Z] zotherstupidguy can i extract the commit diff from the github api? like only the changed words in a sentence? and is this a git feature or a github feature?
+ [2015-05-10T12:03:46Z] zotherstupidguy Seveas no , i think they are cool, not money orianted ppl
+ [2015-05-10T12:03:17Z] zotherstupidguy there is always a balance point were caring doesn't mean hidding
+ [2015-05-10T12:02:28Z] zotherstupidguy I will, github is not hackable at all! :(
+ [2015-05-10T12:01:43Z] zotherstupidguy Nevik the thing is it is not, it just returns a sub list
+ [2015-05-10T12:00:57Z] zotherstupidguy there is a method in the octokit.rb that says users_all