+ [2015-12-04T18:32:29Z] pepee is there a way to sort search results by # of lines, and/or to show # of lines in the results themselves?
+ [2015-12-04T23:39:41Z] daniel2 Is there a way to go back to the old layout?
+ [2015-12-04T23:42:34Z] daniel2 That sucks

message no. 123513

Posted by Annarose in #github at 2015-12-04T21:19:46Z

+ [2015-12-05T02:01:43Z] borodin can anyone tell me what to do if I'm getting "ERROR: Permission to me/my_personal_page.git denied to deploy key"?
+ [2015-12-05T02:02:23Z] borodin I'm using octopress, I haven't used this tool or this site in 6 months - I had saved a tarbell of my octoprerss install and am trying to use it again
+ [2015-12-05T02:03:43Z] borodin so I went to my github page and added a deploy key - I noticed that the key error changed from 'Permission denied (publickey).' to 'ERROR...' above
+ [2015-12-05T02:03:51Z] borodin so that's progress, but still not working
+ [2015-12-05T02:46:51Z] NF-Cowboy anyone work for GitHub here?