+[2016-02-20T22:41:21Z]timwisHey guys, I'm trying to create a /category/xx/ page to show all the items in that category, but the "category" attribute on the items is an array, so it's not detecting them through the where filter. Any ideas? {% assign datasets = site.datasets | where:"category",page.title %} +[2016-02-20T22:42:12Z]timwisThat works when the category attribute is a string, but not an array of strings. I just was under the impression that the "where" filter worked for strings or arrays +[2016-02-20T22:43:03Z]timwisoh i'm thinking of contains aren't i +[2016-02-20T22:55:51Z]timwisForget liquid, I'm just going to output my collection as JSON and build a javascript interface +[2016-02-20T22:56:10Z]timwisIs there a way to output a collection item's entire frontmatter as JSON? rather than having to explicitly output each property?
+[2016-02-21T02:13:25Z]detlyI'm trying to make a single *page* static site, and it'd be nice to structure my source so that I can have each chapter as a separate markdown file, and generate a TOC at the top of the page +[2016-02-21T02:14:11Z]detlyhow would I structure that? would each chapter have to be an _include/... file? or can I have each chapter be a post that isn't actually turned into a seperate post somehow? +[2016-02-21T02:41:45Z]detlyaha collections does the trick: define a new collection and iterate over it in the index, but set "output" to false +[2016-02-21T02:41:48Z]detlywonderful +[2016-02-21T06:32:26Z]travis-cijekyll/jekyll#6976 (master) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/110636087