latest 20 messages by timwis

+ [2017-03-19T00:03:37Z] timwis Hey allejo ! Yeah I'm doing that here : it's just a bit verbose when trying to accommodate both local and external assets
+ [2017-03-18T23:10:08Z] timwis Hey folks, has anyone seen a good pattern for including stylesheets and scripts on specific pages? The liquid gets a bit complex when conditionally prepending baseurl, unless the string starts with "http" or "https" etc.
+ [2016-12-16T10:53:47Z] timwis hey folks, any advice on the best way to use github projects? i like that issues can have descriptions and conversations around them, but "notes" can't. i could just immediately convert every new note to an issue, but that seems like i'm missing some advantage of notes.
+ [2016-12-02T10:59:12Z] timwis thanks for writing all that allejo. shocking how much we write to deal with liquid quirks sometimes :-/ i also posted my question in the liquid github repo and got a response: looks like if i just convert it to a float (times: 1.0), divide_by will keep the decimals
+ [2016-11-30T16:36:35Z] timwis thanks i'll check those out
+ [2016-11-30T14:32:27Z] timwis Btw, is it still the case that jekyll collections can't be yaml files? (And instead must be md files with front matter)
+ [2016-11-30T11:49:51Z] timwis btw, was just in santa monica for the first time a few months ago, beautiful city
+ [2016-11-30T11:46:50Z] timwis And I'm going to look into jekyll-admin now
+ [2016-11-30T11:46:42Z] timwis That said... I could wire up travis to push to github pages with a plugin using
+ [2016-11-30T11:46:03Z] timwis than a jekyll site would be.
+ [2016-11-30T11:46:04Z] timwis Hey allejo, ideally i'd host it on github pages -- it's for, an app to improve transparency around elusive political figures in philadelphia. It was adopted by a local nonprofit to maintain it. Since it pulls from a google spreadsheet, it's easy for them to make updates. But the whole app is a JS SPA, which is harder to make changes to
+ [2016-11-30T01:43:27Z] timwis jaybe: yeah I was looking at that and the sproutleaf site today, hadn't seen those
+ [2016-11-29T23:57:40Z] timwis Which is a bit more familiar than yaml
+ [2016-11-29T23:56:42Z] timwis I'm trying to use a CSV over individual files so less technical users can update the data in a spreadsheet like interface via
+ [2016-11-29T23:55:51Z] timwis Hey folks, is it possible to treat a _data file as a collection? Ie. Generate individual pages for each record in a CSV?
+ [2016-07-18T22:23:02Z] timwis Hey folks, anyone know whether it's possible to treat a _data/file.csv as a collection and generate html pages for each row of the file?
+ [2016-04-28T22:20:09Z] timwis :-( okay, at least it was only 2 hours worth of work. will redo in JS tomorrow. thx anyway.
+ [2016-04-28T22:13:46Z] timwis Was thinking maybe webhooks :/
+ [2016-04-28T21:57:01Z] timwis tobiasvl: This directory shows a list of all the user's repos. If the user creates a new repo, or edits one of them, this directory doesn't know to regenerate itself (you have to make a "push" to it). Does that make more sense?
+ [2016-04-28T20:03:43Z] timwis abandoning it for a JS app that uses GitHub's REST API, thought I'd ask if anyone knew a clever way for it to get updated automatically?