+ [2016-02-23T21:53:39Z] ellistaa malide: ty
+ [2016-02-23T21:53:52Z] ellistaa that helped
+ [2016-02-23T23:57:53Z] jrcharney1 Anyone know the proper way to write a list inside of a list in Markdown?
+ [2016-02-23T23:58:06Z] Zarthus indent it with two or more spaces

message no. 124669

Posted by malide in #github at 2016-02-23T20:49:56Z

say there's a project PROJ, by user alice. Now say I fork so as to make a pull request to alice/PROJ. But I'd also like to fork to take the skeleton of the project and make a new project me/MYPROJ. What's the best way to do this since you can't fork twice?
+ [2016-02-23T23:58:39Z] Zarthus course it helps if you stay connected for longer than a second
+ [2016-02-24T01:36:58Z] Richlv trying to use the 'hub' tool as per the instructions, starting at "# Example workflow for contributing to a project:" in https://hub.github.com/ . using 'hub' only when necessary.
+ [2016-02-24T01:37:00Z] Richlv my steps were : git clone/git checkout -b/git add/git commit/hub fork/git push/hub pull-request
+ [2016-02-24T01:37:03Z] Richlv that works nicely. now i try to sync to the upstream : git fetch/git merge - that fails with : "fatal: No remote for the current branch." - why so ?
+ [2016-02-24T02:47:58Z] gambl0re i uploaded my page to github pages and everything looks fine in chrome but in firefox some images arent showing up?