latest 14 messages by malide

+ [2016-03-04T00:51:27Z] malide you could possibly run the tests locally on your own machine if you find the configuration file in the root of the repo
+ [2016-03-04T00:50:53Z] malide if I remember correctly yes, but the repo has to set permissions for the ci environment to be able to check the private code.
+ [2016-03-04T00:49:50Z] malide it has permissions to access the repo.
+ [2016-03-04T00:48:28Z] malide ah, then they might be using a private c.i. like Wercker. Is there a file in the root directory like wercker.yml or something?
+ [2016-03-04T00:47:33Z] malide nicolas_leonidas: it's using some continuous integration tool. What's the repo?
+ [2016-02-26T20:45:38Z] malide meh, I know one employee who's pretty opensource-minded. I might check with him
+ [2016-02-26T19:50:01Z] malide hm, interesting. I wonder if we could get any GH people in here.
+ [2016-02-26T19:48:48Z] malide Zarthus: are there no actual GH staff in here moderating? That's surprising.
+ [2016-02-24T19:26:42Z] malide Muimi: did you double check that you put the email in correctly on GitHub? (I know it's simple and obvious, but it's worth checking)
+ [2016-02-23T21:53:26Z] malide ellistaa: git reset --hard HEAD #it's usually better to explicity mention what commit you're going back to
+ [2016-02-23T21:03:57Z] malide I could pull changes from upstream though by adding it as a remote, I guess.
+ [2016-02-23T21:02:36Z] malide hmm, so technically on GH it wouldn't be a fork, right?
+ [2016-02-23T20:50:40Z] malide so basically I'd like me/MYPROJ and me/PROJ which both derive from alice/PROJ
+ [2016-02-23T20:49:56Z] malide say there's a project PROJ, by user alice. Now say I fork so as to make a pull request to alice/PROJ. But I'd also like to fork to take the skeleton of the project and make a new project me/MYPROJ. What's the best way to do this since you can't fork twice?