+ [2013-10-24T16:12:20Z] csaunders if you are running watch all the config will be loaded
+ [2013-10-24T16:12:43Z] csaunders unless you change your config… which is roughly equivalent to lib in a rails app. None of that code gets reloaded during a build or whateer
+ [2013-10-24T16:26:27Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] maul-esel/jekyll#174 (master) The build has errored. http://travis-ci.org/maul-esel/jekyll/builds/12993705
+ [2013-10-24T16:52:33Z] parkr gotta run - have a great day guys :)

message no. 12520

Posted by csaunders in #jekyll at 2013-10-24T15:44:53Z

that's where the problem lies I believe
+ [2013-10-25T07:53:24Z] zenon3_ hi - how would you guys go about testing generating templates in jekyll?
+ [2013-10-25T08:38:49Z] pontiki zenon3_: i haven't done enough generator development to do more than just run them and see what i get. :( very poor
+ [2013-10-25T09:07:38Z] zenon3_ yeah, I've tested them using liquid but I would like to do it via Jekyll as well
+ [2013-10-25T09:08:35Z] zenon3_ I do have some configuration in the file and would like to have something quicker than generate whole website, open html page and check
+ [2013-10-25T09:22:38Z] pontiki yeah, idk