latest 20 messages by csaunders

+ [2013-10-24T16:12:43Z] csaunders unless you change your config… which is roughly equivalent to lib in a rails app. None of that code gets reloaded during a build or whateer
+ [2013-10-24T16:12:20Z] csaunders if you are running watch all the config will be loaded
+ [2013-10-24T16:12:14Z] csaunders jaybe: The dumb option might work tbh
+ [2013-10-24T15:54:32Z] csaunders hence the builder wouldn't run on it
+ [2013-10-24T15:54:26Z] csaunders index.liquid would've have been touched
+ [2013-10-24T15:50:02Z] csaunders yeah but that's the problem a lot of our designers are having
+ [2013-10-24T15:44:53Z] csaunders that's where the problem lies I believe
+ [2013-10-24T15:44:44Z] csaunders the page that gets rendered won't know one of it's deps has changed, so I won't know to change itself
+ [2013-10-24T15:44:22Z] csaunders if you include another file in there though. say you have a partial you are including, and you modify the partial
+ [2013-10-24T15:33:29Z] csaunders I've been less thinking of the actual jekyll interface that the user uses. That's just arguments to the binary :)
+ [2013-10-24T15:32:52Z] csaunders But yeah, I agree, the user should have to ask for it or at least it's opt-in or something
+ [2013-10-24T15:32:10Z] csaunders like --changes-only would switch jekyll to the stateful generator or something
+ [2013-10-24T15:31:51Z] csaunders I was thinking of maybe using a different kind of engine or something
+ [2013-10-24T15:02:28Z] csaunders where suggested posts requires rebuilding much of the site since most of the content on each page changes based on the new post you just added
+ [2013-10-24T15:02:01Z] csaunders I mainly want to focus on more "websites" than blogs. Since the blog generation has some issues (suggested posts, etc)
+ [2013-10-24T15:01:26Z] csaunders But when you are working on things like a new page or post, having to regenerate the entire blog to see a change in a leaf node is kinda gross.
+ [2013-10-24T15:00:50Z] csaunders I anticipate that permalinks and stuff won't change too much for the larger projects. That'll guff up your SEOs