+ [2013-10-27T23:49:05Z] nate` Well I figure a few more fancy box crap things added into this plugin and it should be nice and purty.
+ [2013-10-27T23:49:22Z] nate` Does look a lot better than it did this morning.
+ [2013-10-28T14:45:06Z] nate` hrm, it's bitching about needing a tty
+ [2013-10-28T14:58:29Z] nate` oddly enough the user data file i created does not seem to fix that issue
+ [2013-10-28T22:46:39Z] pontiki gtg -- bbl

message no. 12636

Posted by nate` in #octopress at 2013-10-28T14:45:06Z

hrm, it's bitching about needing a tty
+ [2013-10-29T06:48:07Z] purezen Hey guys..! I created my webpage (blog rather) using Octopress.. and put it on GitHub a few days back..
+ [2013-10-29T06:48:10Z] purezen Ref: purezen.github.io
+ [2013-10-29T06:49:02Z] purezen However, the GitHub widget keeps showing loading.. and never displays my GitHub repo. stats..
+ [2013-10-29T06:49:46Z] purezen I have heard there's an issue with GH and I tried to rectify it as was mentioned in a blog post but I couldn't.. Please help..! Thanks..:-)