+ [2016-03-08T22:47:55Z] rosenjcb He has code in his branch
+ [2016-03-08T22:47:59Z] rosenjcb How do I consolidate, if I'm doing this right?
+ [2016-03-08T22:54:59Z] shovel_boss since when did github become a blogging platform
+ [2016-03-08T22:55:05Z] shovel_boss what kind of shit is this
+ [2016-03-08T23:38:30Z] Remram shovel_boss: What?

message no. 126389

Posted by haasn in #github at 2016-03-08T01:35:31Z

To easily see which feature requests are widely desired and which are not
+ [2016-03-09T01:11:00Z] MOZGIII Hello, github is suddenly asking password when I'm trying to cline a public repo via HTTPS. Is it normal, or MITM on me?
+ [2016-03-09T01:12:47Z] MOZGIII ah, my bad
+ [2016-03-09T01:12:57Z] MOZGIII repo did not exist
+ [2016-03-09T09:45:25Z] filisko is it possible to point a domain.com to username.github.io/project ?
+ [2016-03-09T09:45:28Z] filisko to point, not to redirect