+ [2016-03-15T18:00:48Z] adnan if you want to
+ [2016-03-15T18:03:29Z] adnan this assumes you have jq installed on your server
+ [2016-03-15T18:03:34Z] adnan https://gist.github.com/adnanh/966d6099f0402b89edff
+ [2016-03-15T18:04:51Z] adnan this will execute the script only if the payload is signed using your secret you told github and the push happened on the master branch
+ [2016-03-15T18:05:24Z] adnan and you would need golang for https://github.com/adnanh/webhook

message no. 127119

Posted by adnan in #github at 2016-03-15T17:58:56Z

shameless plug :-)
+ [2016-03-16T00:32:53Z] storrgie for personal sites (username.github.io) can we use the gh-pages branch for content or does it have to be master?
+ [2016-03-16T00:33:06Z] storrgie if it has to be master, is there a convention for storing the source?
+ [2016-03-16T08:13:19Z] Blending Whois pazician
+ [2016-03-16T08:13:39Z] Pazician Blending: Me
+ [2016-03-16T08:38:29Z] Anuj Pazician, utmost use of whois :D