latest 20 messages by adnan

+ [2016-03-21T18:29:29Z] adnan golang?
+ [2016-03-21T18:29:26Z] adnan :)
+ [2016-03-18T12:51:28Z] adnan
+ [2016-03-18T12:49:36Z] adnan maybe using git subtree ?
+ [2016-03-16T15:30:08Z] adnan s/uze/use
+ [2016-03-16T15:30:02Z] adnan i believe you can uze tar.gz instead of zip if you prefer it
+ [2016-03-16T15:29:33Z] adnan so it would be repoowner/reponame/archive/
+ [2016-03-16T15:29:18Z] adnan downloads the master branch code
+ [2016-03-16T15:29:11Z] adnan i.e.:
+ [2016-03-16T15:28:15Z] adnan or do a git clone and then tar/zip it and transfer that
+ [2016-03-16T15:28:05Z] adnan stangeland you could download zip/tarball from github and then transfer that
+ [2016-03-15T18:05:24Z] adnan and you would need golang for
+ [2016-03-15T18:04:51Z] adnan this will execute the script only if the payload is signed using your secret you told github and the push happened on the master branch
+ [2016-03-15T18:03:34Z] adnan
+ [2016-03-15T18:03:29Z] adnan this assumes you have jq installed on your server
+ [2016-03-15T18:00:48Z] adnan if you want to
+ [2016-03-15T18:00:45Z] adnan i can give you an example of my hooks.json configuration for the script that checks what changed, and the script
+ [2016-03-15T17:59:04Z] adnan adnanh/webhook
+ [2016-03-15T17:58:56Z] adnan shameless plug :-)
+ [2016-03-15T17:58:51Z] adnan I've developed a tool that can help you with catching those hooks and executing scripts on your server