+ [2016-03-25T20:39:58Z] Zarthus if for something specific you could mirror your own zip
+ [2016-03-25T20:40:46Z] fearedbliss Zarthus: yea, that's a good idea
+ [2016-03-25T21:54:34Z] larondum1 How do I update everything I have done in my working repository? including deleted files, modified files etc...
+ [2016-03-25T22:51:17Z] larondum1 is it necesary to merge gh-pages with master branch?

message no. 128728

Posted by larondum1 in #github at 2016-03-25T22:51:17Z

is it necesary to merge gh-pages with master branch?
+ [2016-03-26T07:24:57Z] new_student Hi! Does git pull count sa bandwidth on repositories using git lfs ?
+ [2016-03-26T10:58:24Z] memememememem hello I am using github for the first time and connot get acces to a repository with writte/read privilege, though I have set up my accound properly with a key it tells me Permission denied (publickey).