latest 20 messages by larondum1

+ [2016-03-25T23:22:39Z] larondum1 but when I go to it shows the master branch index
+ [2016-03-25T23:22:16Z] larondum1 and my master branch
+ [2016-03-25T23:22:11Z] larondum1 I updated my gh-pages branch
+ [2016-03-25T22:51:17Z] larondum1 is it necesary to merge gh-pages with master branch?
+ [2016-03-25T22:35:09Z] larondum1 error: failed to push some refs to
+ [2016-03-25T22:35:07Z] larondum1 [rejected] gh-pages -> gh-pages (non-fast-forward)
+ [2016-03-25T22:32:29Z] larondum1 do I have to merge gh-pages with master branch?
+ [2016-03-25T22:30:22Z] larondum1 also theres no _site/
+ [2016-03-25T22:28:16Z] larondum1 tells me that I must fork
+ [2016-03-25T22:28:10Z] larondum1 the link provided
+ [2016-03-25T22:10:02Z] larondum1 what would the commands be?
+ [2016-03-25T22:07:33Z] larondum1 within the gh-pages branch?
+ [2016-03-25T22:07:25Z] larondum1 and copy all those contents to that repository
+ [2016-03-25T22:07:17Z] larondum1 I download it, clone my repository
+ [2016-03-25T22:06:55Z] larondum1 for example that theme
+ [2016-03-25T22:06:51Z] larondum1