+[2016-03-29T21:13:10Z]Par_site is ignored by default apparently +[2016-03-29T21:13:25Z]kzismeAh I still used it in my .gitignore +[2016-03-29T21:13:30Z]kzismeThat's a sensible default +[2016-03-29T21:13:57Z]InvGhosttanybody http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36295092/why-site-baseurl-doesnt-work-on-jekyll ? +[2016-03-29T21:13:58Z]jekyllrbTitle: Why site.baseurl doesn't work on Jekyll? - Stack Overflow (at stackoverflow.com)
message no. 128983
Posted by Cchar in #jekyll at 2016-03-29T01:36:39Z
how would I write that
+[2016-03-30T14:31:06Z]madhatterHi there. +[2016-03-30T14:33:56Z]madhatterHope somebody can point me to the right direction. I noticed that my sitemap.xml file always gets deleted. I write it to _site and added the file multiple times to site.keep_files. I then tried to write it to '.' so Jekyll would hopefully transfer it to _site but it doesn't. If I touch another file there it gets transferred. Is sitemap.xml some kind of reserved word?! I don't have it in the exclude in my _config.yml either +[2016-03-30T14:49:58Z]madhatterOh, I use jekyll 3.1.2 atm and even tried to use the jekyll-sitemap gem instead of my old sitemap skript. +[2016-03-30T17:48:32Z]jaybemadhatter: jekyll blows away the render output folder (_site by default) at every render. [[ docs ]] +[2016-03-30T17:48:32Z]jekyllrb(docs) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/home/