+[2016-03-30T20:42:14Z]gynterYay, got my stuff today: https://twitter.com/kyberkits/status/715278312436862976 +[2016-03-30T20:42:15Z]jekyllrbTitle: Günter Kits on Twitter: "Thanks @parkr and @jekyllrb for such amazing gifts and words! I'm happy to be part of @jekyllrb community. https://t.co/QtGD6YLSir" (at twitter.com) +[2016-03-30T20:45:49Z]gynterwhich reminds me that I promise that i'll review all jekyllthemes.org PRs tomorrow, really +[2016-03-30T20:46:00Z]gynterit just has been horrible month, extremely busy +[2016-03-30T22:04:58Z]adfad666needs that jekyll sticker for his laptop
+[2016-03-31T00:26:12Z]jaybe./fs slide +[2016-03-31T00:26:13Z]jekyllrbNo keys matched that query. +[2016-03-31T00:26:16Z]jaybe./fs pres +[2016-03-31T00:26:17Z]jekyllrb(octopress) (#1) Octopress is an obsessively designed toolkit for writing and deploying Jekyll blogs., or (#2) <https://github.com/octopress/octopress> +[2016-03-31T23:52:36Z]tyteen4a03Hi, I have a site here: https://github.com/MinecraftIRC/MinecraftIRC.github.io/tree/support-articles; there's a support article under the _support-articles folder, and I ca verify via /support-articles that the slug is indeed /suppor-articles/toshiba-c660, but when I actually visit the link it says it's not found