+[2013-11-03T04:52:37Z]p0nnyHi. I'm currently using a plugin shown in the Jekyll docs which allows me to make a page for each category on my site, that lists each post within that category, on that page. In each post, I also specify a custom front matter called "Artist". I'm trying to list each unique Artist, tagged under posts in a specified category. +[2013-11-03T04:53:03Z]p0nnyWould anybody have an idea as to how that would be done? Can you do that in a for loop? Or would the categories.rb plugin need to be edited? +[2013-11-03T14:11:20Z]travis-ci[travis-ci] rezapaya/jekyll#2 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/rezapaya/jekyll/builds/13434092 +[2013-11-03T20:24:14Z]viccuadHi, I'm making a portfolio gallery plugin for Jekyll. What is the way to obtain jekyll's sources path? I have tried with things as "self.source" but no luck whatsoever. +[2013-11-03T22:30:25Z]FrancisHhey troy!
+[2013-11-04T02:39:10Z]zanshinIs there a way to setup a _config.yml so that `jekyll --watch --auto` works and deploying to your domain works without having to have two url: attributes in the _config.yml, one of which is always commented out? +[2013-11-04T02:53:27Z]pontikizanshin: i'm not sure what you're talking about +[2013-11-04T02:53:34Z]pontikiwatch doesn't use a url afaik +[2013-11-04T02:55:27Z]zanshinIn my _config.yml I have `url: http://zanshin.net` And throughout the code I use {{ site.url }} to reference it. When I use watch anything that uses {{ site.url }} is broken as localhost doesn't resolve to my domain. I guess I don't understand all I know about this +[2013-11-04T02:57:47Z]pontikii don't even *have* a url directive in mine