latest 17 messages by viccuad

+ [2015-10-14T14:30:24Z] viccuad Seveas: thanks
+ [2015-10-14T14:19:19Z] viccuad also, last 4 hours I have seen github repo pages that don't show commit info
+ [2015-10-14T14:18:52Z] viccuad Hi guys. Is anyone having trouble ssh'ing to repos? I'm using the same ssh key as always, but I don't get through
+ [2013-11-03T20:24:14Z] viccuad Hi, I'm making a portfolio gallery plugin for Jekyll. What is the way to obtain jekyll's sources path? I have tried with things as "self.source" but no luck whatsoever.
+ [2013-09-28T22:33:09Z] viccuad buut not even close
+ [2013-09-28T22:32:34Z] viccuad I tried with site.mylink.title
+ [2013-09-28T22:31:38Z] viccuad quite easier
+ [2013-09-28T22:31:28Z] viccuad oh, that sounds better
+ [2013-09-28T22:30:54Z] viccuad maybe xD
+ [2013-09-28T22:22:44Z] viccuad thanks bret
+ [2013-09-28T22:19:54Z] viccuad gonna try it
+ [2013-09-28T22:19:41Z] viccuad that would do
+ [2013-09-28T22:18:35Z] viccuad and what about permalinks?
+ [2013-09-28T22:18:23Z] viccuad thanks!
+ [2013-09-28T22:18:06Z] viccuad mmm, that sounds hackish, but maybe is good enough
+ [2013-09-28T22:03:21Z] viccuad hi, is there any way to obtain the title and url of a page from another page, using liquid markup? thanks in advance!