+ [2016-04-10T21:34:59Z] dash_ ufff ty dude so much
+ [2016-04-10T21:35:16Z] dash_ and that i be hones with you i dont know how that working now but nvrm :D
+ [2016-04-10T21:38:24Z] miklb glad it's working
+ [2016-04-10T23:28:10Z] Stiforr Hey all. I'm having an issue setting up Jekyll on Windows. I ran gem install jekyll but one of the themes I was trying to use required 'pygments' so i ran bundle install in the cloned jekyll dir and am getting an error when it tries to install byebug 8.2.4. I install the latest version of ruby and the dev kit
+ [2016-04-10T23:44:55Z] Stiforr It seems to boil down to dev-kit not being installed but I'm sure I installed it properly

message no. 131146

Posted by dash_ in #jekyll at 2016-04-10T20:12:47Z

Dependency Error: Yikes! It looks like you don't have kramdown or one of its dependencies installed. In order to use Jekyll as currently configured, you'll need to install this gem. The full error message from Ruby is: 'cannot load such file -- kramdown' If you run into trouble, you can find helpful resources at http://jekyllrb.com/help/! jekyll 3.1.2 | Error: kramdown
+ [2016-04-11T00:02:25Z] miklb Stiforr I don't develop on Windows, but came across this earlier in the week http://daverupert.com/2016/04/jekyll-on-windows-with-bash/
+ [2016-04-11T00:02:27Z] jekyllrb Title: Jekyll on Bash on Windows - daverupert.com (at daverupert.com)
+ [2016-04-11T00:03:27Z] Stiforr Interesting. I'll give that a shot. I was just going to try it on my linux install
+ [2016-04-11T19:15:08Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7303 (master) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/122330654
+ [2016-04-11T19:15:46Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7303 (master) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/122330654