latest 20 messages by dash_

+ [2016-04-10T21:35:16Z] dash_ and that i be hones with you i dont know how that working now but nvrm :D
+ [2016-04-10T21:34:59Z] dash_ ufff ty dude so much
+ [2016-04-10T21:34:55Z] dash_ and that is it now
+ [2016-04-10T21:34:52Z] dash_ i just modify url for old and new pages
+ [2016-04-10T21:34:40Z] dash_ i dont know how but now everything is fine :D
+ [2016-04-10T21:34:32Z] dash_ ty dude
+ [2016-04-10T21:34:31Z] dash_ miklb: NOW WORKING wohoooooooooo
+ [2016-04-10T21:10:07Z] dash_ yea i know that and i was do just like you write now
+ [2016-04-10T21:05:36Z] dash_ miklb i use your gemfile and ok now i dont get any error, but there is no pagination on my site. So i add everything i need inside config and inside index file
+ [2016-04-10T20:40:31Z] dash_ :S i'm trying to fix that last 2 days without any results
+ [2016-04-10T20:40:14Z] dash_ even uninstall all gems on my pc
+ [2016-04-10T20:40:08Z] dash_ yea i have that so i follow every step i found on the internet
+ [2016-04-10T20:37:48Z] dash_ i mean i have jakyll paginate
+ [2016-04-10T20:37:43Z] dash_ so everthing is here
+ [2016-04-10T20:37:38Z] dash_ bigdecimal (default: 1.2.8) bundler (1.11.2) colorator (0.1) did_you_mean (1.0.0) ffi (1.9.10 x64-mingw32) io-console (default: 0.4.5) jekyll (3.1.2) jekyll-paginate (1.1.0) jekyll-sass-converter (1.4.0) jekyll-watch (1.3.1) json (default: 1.8.3) kramdown (1.10.0) liquid (3.0.6) listen (3.0.6) mercenary (0.3.5) minitest (5.8.3) net-telnet (0.1.1) octopress-hooks (2.6.1) octopress-paginate (1.1.2) power_assert (0.2.6) psych (default: 2.
+ [2016-04-10T20:37:32Z] dash_ my gem list
+ [2016-04-10T20:37:28Z] dash_ notoinh i found but look
+ [2016-04-10T20:23:39Z] dash_ wait a sec sorry i bother you but.. how exactly should my file look?
+ [2016-04-10T20:12:53Z] dash_ kramdown is different just that
+ [2016-04-10T20:12:47Z] dash_ Dependency Error: Yikes! It looks like you don't have kramdown or one of its dependencies installed. In order to use Jekyll as currently configured, you'll need to install this gem. The full error message from Ruby is: 'cannot load such file -- kramdown' If you run into trouble, you can find helpful resources at! jekyll 3.1.2 | Error: kramdown