+ [2016-04-10T21:34:59Z] dash_ ufff ty dude so much
+ [2016-04-10T21:35:16Z] dash_ and that i be hones with you i dont know how that working now but nvrm :D
+ [2016-04-10T21:38:24Z] miklb glad it's working
+ [2016-04-10T23:28:10Z] Stiforr Hey all. I'm having an issue setting up Jekyll on Windows. I ran gem install jekyll but one of the themes I was trying to use required 'pygments' so i ran bundle install in the cloned jekyll dir and am getting an error when it tries to install byebug 8.2.4. I install the latest version of ruby and the dev kit
+ [2016-04-10T23:44:55Z] Stiforr It seems to boil down to dev-kit not being installed but I'm sure I installed it properly

message no. 131169

Posted by dash_ in #jekyll at 2016-04-10T21:10:07Z

yea i know that and i was do just like you write now
+ [2016-04-11T00:02:25Z] miklb Stiforr I don't develop on Windows, but came across this earlier in the week http://daverupert.com/2016/04/jekyll-on-windows-with-bash/
+ [2016-04-11T00:02:27Z] jekyllrb Title: Jekyll on Bash on Windows - daverupert.com (at daverupert.com)
+ [2016-04-11T00:03:27Z] Stiforr Interesting. I'll give that a shot. I was just going to try it on my linux install
+ [2016-04-11T19:15:08Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7303 (master) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/122330654
+ [2016-04-11T19:15:46Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7303 (master) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/122330654