+ [9 years ago] gitinfo Git is not a deployment tool, but you can build one around it (in simple environments) or use it as an object store(for complex ones). Here are some options/ideas to get you started: http://gitolite.com/deploy.html
+ [9 years ago] jayjo I cloned a repo on someone elses computer, and now when I try to push to a repo my credentials are stored and they can't push to their own repo
+ [9 years ago] jayjo is there a way to clear this cache?
+ [9 years ago] codepsycho the github markdown, how do you escape double `{` in code blocks? (as in ```language)

message no. 132087

Posted by Lewix in #github at 2016-04-18T14:11:03Z

it's clear now. jhass gracias
+ [9 years ago] teldora .gitignore --> public
+ [9 years ago] teldora .gitignore --> /public
+ [9 years ago] canton7 is that a question?
+ [9 years ago] teldora I want to ignore 'public' folder which is on my local machine
+ [9 years ago] teldora What should I add to .gitignore? public or /public?