+ [2016-04-20T22:20:20Z] breadcru1bs thanks, now i understand you can't achieve two goals simultaneously. I'd stick to create new repo with other name.
+ [2016-04-20T23:30:28Z] lorenzo let's say I need to add an image to a .md readme in my repository
+ [2016-04-20T23:30:35Z] lorenzo can I upload the image itself in the repository via the new file upload thing
+ [2016-04-20T23:31:00Z] lorenzo and then embed it directly via e.g. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/myrepo/image.png?

message no. 132557

Posted by lorenzo in #github at 2016-04-20T23:31:00Z

and then embed it directly via e.g. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/myrepo/image.png?
+ [2016-04-21T00:37:15Z] TheBlueWizard how do I create a pull request from my (forked) repo to the upstream repo?
+ [2016-04-21T00:38:48Z] TheBlueWizard should I go to my repo and click "New pull request" or go to upstream repo and click "New pull request"?
+ [2016-04-21T00:39:10Z] milki TheBlueWizard: on the upstream repo
+ [2016-04-21T00:40:10Z] TheBlueWizard ok thanks! Am trying that now...the github instruction isn't clear on that point
+ [2016-04-21T00:42:02Z] TheBlueWizard um...how do I get it to point to my repo for pull request?