latest 20 messages by lorenzo

+ [2017-03-12T09:13:58Z] lorenzo do you know if it can be activated on already existing repos?
+ [2017-03-12T09:12:24Z] lorenzo ahh makes sense thanks
+ [2017-03-12T08:54:59Z] lorenzo when I clone the repo back, do I get those assets back or just the S3 urls?
+ [2017-03-12T08:54:42Z] lorenzo I mean if I have some large assets (e.g. .psd, .jpg) and push them on a repo with lfs enabled
+ [2017-03-12T08:54:20Z] lorenzo what's the practical difference of using git lfs?
+ [2016-08-24T06:09:56Z] lorenzo or he can still delete repos
+ [2016-08-24T06:09:47Z] lorenzo and have an admin user managed by someone else
+ [2016-08-24T06:09:41Z] lorenzo you'd have to transfer his projects into the organization
+ [2016-08-24T06:06:55Z] lorenzo donnib: create an organization
+ [2016-08-22T20:54:23Z] lorenzo ok thanks
+ [2016-08-22T19:21:33Z] lorenzo if I mark my website repository as private in github, does it still continue to be served?
+ [2016-04-21T06:06:46Z] lorenzo jzoticus: /
+ [2016-04-21T06:03:51Z] lorenzo jzoticus:
+ [2016-04-20T23:31:00Z] lorenzo and then embed it directly via e.g.
+ [2016-04-20T23:30:35Z] lorenzo can I upload the image itself in the repository via the new file upload thing
+ [2016-04-20T23:30:28Z] lorenzo let's say I need to add an image to a .md readme in my repository