+ [2016-05-01T14:21:36Z] Zarthus if all else fails, refer to google - now that you have a command there's plenty of documentation
+ [2016-05-01T14:21:40Z] Zarthus will be going
+ [2016-05-01T14:21:45Z] dbtid later and thanks
+ [2016-05-01T14:21:53Z] dbtid \o

message no. 134211

Posted by dbtid in #github at 2016-05-01T14:19:05Z

well, i want to change how i update, because i don't want to have to keep entering my username and password.
+ [2016-05-02T01:36:59Z] pmatulis hi gang. i use GH to view PR diffs but i have one that is too large to view there. how do i view with my local git client?
+ [2016-05-02T05:17:14Z] Seveas pmatulis: git fetch origin refs/pulls/<id here>/head refs/heads/new-branch-for-pr-<id here as well>
+ [2016-05-02T11:58:44Z] pmatulis Seveas: digging into it, thanks
+ [2016-05-02T13:50:10Z] karols146 Hi guys, I just want make PR, but file is too big, one guys make a suggestion to break it in smaller parts. Here is a question, i just can break this PR in smaller ones, or i just need to make 5 or 6 commits to change this one file ?
+ [2016-05-02T14:22:47Z] coventry Is there any way to get github markdown to treat a single newline as a space?