latest 20 messages by dbtid

+ [2016-05-01T14:21:53Z] dbtid \o
+ [2016-05-01T14:21:45Z] dbtid later and thanks
+ [2016-05-01T14:21:06Z] dbtid ok
+ [2016-05-01T14:21:04Z] dbtid i hope one 'git remote' command takes care of it all
+ [2016-05-01T14:20:57Z] dbtid it shows a fetch and a push
+ [2016-05-01T14:20:47Z] dbtid great
+ [2016-05-01T14:20:43Z] dbtid *hub
+ [2016-05-01T14:20:39Z] dbtid it shows the origin as ...
+ [2016-05-01T14:20:31Z] dbtid just 'git remote'
+ [2016-05-01T14:20:28Z] dbtid ah yes
+ [2016-05-01T14:20:13Z] dbtid is there a way to query git to see what it's using for the git remote?
+ [2016-05-01T14:19:56Z] dbtid ok. will do.
+ [2016-05-01T14:19:26Z] dbtid theone page on github i saw about that mentioned that it's because i used the HTTPS URL and not SSH
+ [2016-05-01T14:19:05Z] dbtid well, i want to change how i update, because i don't want to have to keep entering my username and password.
+ [2016-05-01T14:18:49Z] dbtid thank you
+ [2016-05-01T14:18:43Z] dbtid ok
+ [2016-05-01T14:17:42Z] dbtid and it doesn't matter what i had done before?
+ [2016-05-01T14:17:24Z] dbtid ok; thanks!
+ [2016-05-01T14:16:12Z] dbtid Zarthus: what command would i use, so i can read the man page?
+ [2016-05-01T11:44:29Z] dbtid i looked in "Common Issues" but I don't see anything about switching from HTTPS clone to an SSH clone. do i have to simply start over specifying the ssh URL when i do the init?