+[2013-11-12T21:50:14Z]usrnixare there any options for excerpt except the excerpt_separator? +[2013-11-12T21:50:52Z]troyswansondont think so +[2013-11-12T21:51:16Z]usrnixmm, quotes are too long and I'd like to tell it to ignore headings +[2013-11-12T21:51:53Z]troyswansonspecify excerpt in the front matter +[2013-11-12T21:52:29Z]usrnixtoo manual
message no. 13505
Posted by arkie in #jekyll at 2013-11-12T06:55:01Z
if i stopped using Wordpress in favour of jekyll for my personal blog, would that make me feel like a pro on the inside?