+[2016-05-15T18:53:45Z]miklbPizzaPortal what worked? +[2016-05-15T18:54:09Z]PizzaPortalWell the slice thing didn’t really work out unfortunately +[2016-05-15T18:54:24Z]PizzaPortalBut I realized that the characters that i needed to remove are, in fact, constant ^^ +[2016-05-15T18:54:32Z]PizzaPortalSo I just leveraged remove_first +[2016-05-15T23:31:19Z]DANtheBEASTmanany ideas why {{% for tag in post.tags %}}<li><a href="{{ BASE_URL }}/tags/{{ tag.name }}">{{ tag.name }}</a></li>{{% endfor %} returns an empty <li>, while {{ post.tags | array_to_sentence_string }} returns the expected output?
message no. 135578
Posted by PyNet in #jekyll at 2016-05-15T04:43:19Z
+[2016-05-16T05:27:32Z]konsoleboxhi. i'd like it that backticks in markdown files get converted to <tt></tt> and not <code></code>. Anyone knows the best way to configure this? +[2016-05-16T05:29:11Z]konsoleboxcurrently i just manually use <tt></tt> but it's not convenient. +[2016-05-16T14:31:48Z]Paddyhello +[2016-05-16T16:27:14Z]Dry_LipsI'm trying to add some formatting to the footnotes section in my posts... But when I wrap html around the footnotes, markdonw isn't rendered... Is this "intended behaviour" or a bug? +[2016-05-16T16:27:26Z]Dry_Lips*markdown