+ [2016-05-17T13:01:12Z] Maxou with his own logins ?
+ [2016-05-17T13:01:52Z] jhass Maxou: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-collaborators-to-a-personal-repository/
+ [2016-05-17T13:03:10Z] Maxou thx jhass
+ [2016-05-17T14:10:54Z] is_null hi all, why is it that i can't make a pr to hnakamur/ansible-modules-extras from here ? https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/compare/devel...jpic:lxd_container_contrib?expand=1
+ [2016-05-17T14:11:16Z] is_null my bad, got it

message no. 135770

Posted by jhass in #github at 2016-05-17T13:01:52Z

Maxou: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-collaborators-to-a-personal-repository/
+ [2016-05-18T14:25:15Z] Dropbox And can I add a new page by making a new master?
+ [2016-05-18T14:29:10Z] jhass Dropbox: you simply add the file
+ [2016-05-18T14:30:16Z] Dropbox Can I also delete a file?
+ [2016-05-18T14:31:41Z] Elysia it's just a git repository
+ [2016-05-18T14:32:02Z] Elysia rm file; git add file; git commit -m "Deleted file because of Y"; git push