+ [2016-05-19T20:16:10Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7514 (3.1-stable) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/131514284
+ [2016-05-19T20:16:36Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7514 (3.1-stable) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/131514284
+ [2016-05-19T20:18:47Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7514 (3.1-stable) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/131514284
+ [2016-05-19T20:21:03Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7513 (v3.1.6) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/131514228
+ [2016-05-19T20:41:20Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#7514 (3.1-stable) The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/131514284

message no. 135933

Posted by janebootydoe in #jekyll at 2016-05-19T06:24:49Z

guess i have to roll my own D:
+ [2016-05-21T04:08:18Z] jaybe thanks to parkr for getting the travis-ci channel spam wrangled!
+ [2016-05-21T04:08:29Z] jaybe ./later tell parkr thanks to parkr for getting the travis-ci channel spam wrangled!
+ [2016-05-21T04:08:30Z] jekyllrb The operation succeeded.
+ [2016-05-21T04:11:50Z] miklb +1
+ [2016-05-21T05:03:19Z] miklb best way to test 3.2b by defining version in Gemfile for a fresh install?