+ [2016-05-21T21:57:20Z] acetakwas Zarthus:: Okay. Thanks a great deal.
+ [2016-05-21T23:29:58Z] rando what is the gif size limit on github?
+ [2016-05-21T23:33:14Z] rando what is the gif size limit on github?
+ [2016-05-21T23:51:39Z] benneh hi, so i am new to git, i created a fork of a repo and checked in a couple of checkins there, now i want to pick one checkin to create a pull request for the base fork, how do i do this? http://nightow.de/004272.png
+ [2016-05-21T23:54:39Z] jhass benneh: add a remote for the upstream repo in your local repository, git fetch upstream; git checkout -b my_feature_or_fix upstream/master; git cherry-pick <commit-sha>; git push origin my_feature_or_fix; then go the new branch on github and open a pull request

message no. 136041

Posted by rhalff in #github at 2016-05-21T01:25:47Z

the searching could be improved, where nag about that? :-)
+ [2016-05-22T00:03:28Z] benneh hm, i do not fully get it, so i create a new fork for which i use to create pull requests? then merge the specific checkin from my other fork there and then create a pull request for the whole new fork?
+ [2016-05-22T00:17:27Z] jhass benneh: no
+ [2016-05-22T00:17:49Z] jhass you create a new branch for each pull request with only the changes you want in it
+ [2016-05-22T00:18:35Z] benneh oh my god
+ [2016-05-22T00:19:34Z] Infininight the important thing to know is that a pull request references the fork, not a specific commit or a specific point in it's history