+ [2016-05-31T23:04:12Z] preaction well. it doesn't show up as a fork anymore
+ [2016-05-31T23:09:33Z] oliverio_ how make this?
+ [2016-05-31T23:14:36Z] preaction oliverio_: the Settings tab of the repository has a button to delete the repository

message no. 137479

Posted by dmko in #github at 2016-05-31T08:11:41Z

If I make a pull request, and then commit more changes, are those new changes definitively rolled into the pending pull request? If so, is the only way to make a new pull request or prevent new changes from rolling into that, to create a new branch and commit to that (not sure if that will work, just guessing)?
+ [2016-06-01T00:12:11Z] NullSoldier_ someone at github fixed the global pull request list not supporting multiple assignees
+ [2016-06-01T01:48:45Z] mihael_k33hl I'm trying to set my master branch as a protected branch. I've checked the "Require status checks to pass before merging" option, include administrators, require branches to be up to date before merging and restrict who can push to this branch. However, I can still push directly to the master branch. How do I properly set a protected branch?
+ [2016-06-01T04:15:11Z] github056 i have feature branch with several commits