+[2016-06-01T18:23:47Z]TomyLobogit-lfs keeps downloading the files from github instead of taking them from the reference +[2016-06-01T18:24:45Z]TomyLobohttps://github.com/github/git-lfs/pull/1007 this PR seems to suggest that shouldn't happen +[2016-06-01T18:25:26Z]TomyLobohttps://github.com/github/git-lfs/commit/0ddb6f49056e1b08903e8fcc7eeb3a7419757db4 according to this merge commit, it's in version 1.2.0, which is the version i use +[2016-06-01T18:30:46Z]cactusfrogHi, I have another question. How do I move the masters branch back to a previous commit. Is there some easy way to specify what commit a branch points to? +[2016-06-01T18:58:08Z]preactioncactusfrog: git reset
i'm having trouble with git-lfs and clones with --reference
+[2016-06-01T23:58:42Z]azyhi. i just committed my first thing. a readme to a private repo. it's saying a user named 'd4nny360' did it instead of me... +[2016-06-02T00:02:46Z]preactionazy: what's your e-mail address? does it start with d4nny360 perhaps? +[2016-06-02T00:03:02Z]azynope. ive never heard the name before +[2016-06-02T00:03:06Z]preactionazy: what does "git config user.name" and "git config user.email" say? +[2016-06-02T00:03:37Z]azyitssteven and dunno@gmail.com