+ [2016-06-02T13:33:07Z] urbanslug but not when I run jekyll build/serve
+ [2016-06-02T13:36:29Z] pontiki i don't know why that would be, then
+ [2016-06-02T13:52:19Z] urbanslug Oh I see okay just the index page or pagination is broken
+ [2016-06-02T13:52:25Z] urbanslug At least locally

message no. 137789

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2016-06-02T10:23:55Z

Title: GitHub - Smaug123/smaug123.github.io: Website (at github.com)
+ [2016-06-04T16:36:46Z] parkr :wave:
+ [2016-06-04T16:36:46Z] jekyllrb parkr: Sent 2 weeks, 0 days, 12 hours, and 25 minutes ago: <jaybe> thanks to parkr for getting the travis-ci channel spam wrangled!
+ [2016-06-04T20:28:23Z] syndikate hey people, how does jekyll figure if a directory is a jekyll blog compatible directory