+ [2016-06-05T23:03:36Z] feliks i tested this against simple variables and it works there
+ [2016-06-05T23:03:46Z] feliks can somebody please help me?
+ [2016-06-05T23:06:47Z] miklb jaybe that will append it to post.content, not simply render it in the final HTML?
+ [2016-06-05T23:55:57Z] miklb jaybe, thanks. I was so wrapped in my head, I didn't even think to actually filter page.content. Used append and almost to where I want it to be
+ [2016-06-05T23:56:22Z] miklb having outlet to think out loud was what I needed

message no. 138157

Posted by miklb in #jekyll at 2016-06-05T23:56:22Z

having outlet to think out loud was what I needed
+ [2016-06-06T00:36:40Z] miklb spoke too soon. Gets added, but still after content has been processed by plugin
+ [2016-06-06T01:56:08Z] miklb so from what I can tell, appending to post.content happens after the converter instance?
+ [2016-06-06T10:21:11Z] mixandgo hi guys, how do you paginate without changing the slug for each post to reflect the page number?
+ [2016-06-06T10:21:49Z] mixandgo for example: instead of /blog/page2/my-post I want it to be /blog/my-post even tho that post is listed on the second page (in the index)
+ [2016-06-06T10:25:01Z] mixandgo I think I’ve got it, I’m going to use post.url instead of post.slug