+ [2016-06-06T18:15:26Z] ash_workz feliks: hmm. like if you have a page that requires data, like a dashboard for example, you could load the DOM in dashboard.html and at the end you could populate all that dynamic data by querying your API (say GET .../dashboard.json) and do things like $('.name').innerHtml(json.name) or w/e. (excuse my pseudo code)
+ [2016-06-06T19:54:25Z] ash_workz should one be using jekyll with docker?
+ [2016-06-06T19:54:31Z] ash_workz (for developement)
+ [2016-06-06T19:56:20Z] ash_workz this channel is very quiet

message no. 138159

Posted by miklb in #jekyll at 2016-06-06T01:56:08Z

so from what I can tell, appending to post.content happens after the converter instance?
+ [2016-06-07T03:49:50Z] jeffrey3234 what version of Ruby should I be using for jekyll 3.1.6?
+ [2016-06-07T03:51:07Z] pontiki i think at least 2.1
+ [2016-06-07T04:42:29Z] jeffrey3234 what would this mean:? Liquid Exception: uninitialized constant Jekyll::Avatar::Zlib in _layouts/news_item.html