+[2016-06-07T22:03:40Z]preactionstash? git stash doesn't do anything like this +[2016-06-07T22:03:57Z]preactionand yes, add it as a remote, usually called "upstream", and merge or rebase as you wish +[2016-06-07T22:04:34Z]philipp64|workis there a help/faq page on github for that? I looked but didn't see anything. +[2016-06-07T22:05:17Z]philipp64|workyou'd think it would be something that was easily automated that could be done by a button-press on the website... +[2016-06-07T22:08:17Z]philipp64|workoh, never mind. found it. https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/ ... step 3.
jhass: so i delete all branches on m fork except the branch i need right?
+[2016-06-08T01:56:14Z]A124Heeey. People. And robots. So how do I fork from shell / browser, but not on Github. +[2016-06-08T01:56:42Z]A124I know API is there, are there any handy tools to automate contributing to someones else repo? +[2016-06-08T02:35:21Z]A124Hub that it seems, have to setup auth +[2016-06-08T02:57:25Z]somaReverseHi. Does this sound offensive "I've updated the patch hopefully as you described" ? +[2016-06-08T03:12:06Z]A124somaReverse Not sure if offensive, but alarming. Else no idea about context.